
Kindest thanks to those who
assisted us with photographs, slides, text content,
contacts, artifacts, music, video clips, technical advice
and plenty of encouragement to help us through the
never-ending red tape. In order to diplomatically display
a list of those who have graciously aided us, we have
alphabetized the following names and organizations.
Air Canada (Troy Warren)
Arsenault Chris
Arsenault, Shawn
Arsenault, William
Atlantic Turbines International Inc. (Donnie Morrison)
Boily Photo
Boo Boos Honey (Allen Picketts)
Bridges, Kathy (Slemon Park Corporation)
Brown , Lois (Legion Ladies Auxiliary)
Burt, Glenda (The Home Place Inn)
Campbell, George
Carbone, Troy
Carmichael, Maureen (City of Charlottetown)
Caseley, June
Caseley, Sherry
Cody, Eija
Cohen, Sally (Marion Hebbs Office)
Community Museum Association
Cousins, Linda (Logos)
Cousins, Paul (Kensington Police Chief)
Crane, Mary
Croken, Ruth & Rudy
Curley, Marion (Community School)
Dasgupta, Satadal, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Indo-Canadian
Davison, Earl
Diagnostic Chemicals Ltd. (Lynne Bradley & Libby
Drake, Marla
Environment Canada
Fall, Fred & Lynn (Island Sun)
Food Technology Centre (Mary Jane Grant)
Gallant, Cecile (Acadian Museum)
GEN MAC Enterprises (Gene MacLellan)
Harper, June
Hopping, Denny & Gayle (Gaylden Orchard)
Ikede, Basil O., B. Vet. Med., D.V.M., Ph.D. (African
Society of P.E.I.)
Information Technologies Association of P.E.I.
Island Waste Management Commission (Colleen Doyle)
Johnson, Astrid (Capture the Spirit of Prince Edward
Keefe, John
Kensington Intermediate-Senior High School, Staff and
students of
Kong, David (Chinese Canadian Association)
Katz, Bernard (University of Guelph)
Leetaru, Kalev (Gamacles)
Lips, Karen (P.E.I. Council of the Arts)
MacDonald, Anna (L. M. Montgomery Institute)
MacDonald, Tom
MacKenzie, Phyllis (Tourism P.E.I.)
MacKinnon, Susan
MacLeod, Georgie & Bruce
MacNeill, Gerri (Girl Guides of Canada, P.E.I. Council)
MacQuarrie, Kate (Island Nature Trust)
MacSwain, Lynda (Agriculture & Forestry Information
Mayhew, Ken (P.E.I. Department of Agriculture and
Mayor Gerald McCarville (Town of Kensington)
McAndrew, David (Malpeque Bay Area Lions Club)
McCabe, Cliff (President, Kinsmen Club of Summerside)
McKnight, Paul (P.E.I. Forestry)
MJS Marketing
Moase, Barb (CGIT)
Molyneaux, Al (Benevolent Irish Society)
Mooney, Susan (Charlottetown Airport Authority)
Mountain, Heather
Murray, Barry
Neima, Paul (P.E.I. Aquaculture Alliance)
Northumberland Ferries Ltd.
OBrien, Raymond & Joan (The Victoria Inn)
Ogle, Gary
P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation
P.E.I. Multicultural Council
Perry, Clair
Perry, Ron
Phillips, Irene (Photo Legends: Photography and Custom
Framing Studio)
Pratt, Terry K., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Prince Edward Air
Quinn, Robin (P.E.I. Sports Hall of Fame)
Rappaport, Derek (Emily of New Moon Production Manager)
Salter Street Films
Sgt. Chuck Snow (RCMP)
Sheridan, Sandra
Transport Canada
Tuplin, Graham (P.E.I. Native Council)
Turner, Garnett
University of Prince Edward Island (Suzanne Copan &
Matthew Mackay)
Valley Truss & Metal (Isaac Schurman)
Watts, Sid (P.E.I. Forestry)
Waugh, Gordon & Ruth-Anne (The Island Way
Farm B&B)
Wood, Richard
Gracious thanks are extended to the partners of this
project: Kensington Intermediate Senior High School,
Kensington and Area Historical Society, Industry Canada,
and SchoolNet Digital Collections for their support of
KenNet in their ambition to create this site that will
most certainly benefit the Island by recording our Island
way of life. KenNet is a not-for-profit organization
dedicated to the promotion of the internet for people in
Kensington and the surrounding communiites. To visit the
KenNet site click here: KENNET