
The English Islanders are a difficult
group to identify. They include Loyalists and others from
the United States, the Welsh, and folk from virtually
every county in England. Nevertheless, in spite of their
numeric minority (comprising 15 percent to 20 percent of
the population), the English were by far the
economic elite during the period of British colonial
Initially lured to the Island by the abundant fishing
during the seventeenth century, the English began to
colonize the territory in the early 1760s, after the
British won the island colony from France. Upon
occupation, soldiers took over the fort at the entrance
to Hillsborough Bay and named it Fort Amherst. After the
fort was decommissioned, many soldiers purchased land and
remained on the Island. In 1764, Samuel Holland and
George Wright embarked on a survey of the Island that
divided the territory into 67 townships or lots of 20,000
acres. These two Crown servants brought with them
numerous English settlers. The Crown then distributed the
townships among favourites of the British
government distinguished naval and military men,
politicians, merchants and civil servants; many of them
land speculators. Many Islanders today are descendants of
these British colonists who came to the Island either as
proprietors or as agents to administer the colony and
develop its land.
After the American Revolution, approximately 100,000
inhabitants of the thirteen colonies who had sided with
the British left the new republic and moved to the
British colonies to the north. These men, women, and
children became known as the Loyalists.
40,000 Loyalists came to the Maritime colonies and a
number of these were lured to Prince Edward Island with
offers of land and free passage. Some of the wealthy
among them brought along their slaves, many of whom later
settled in Charlottetowns West End when they were
granted freedom. In 1784, fourteen townships were made
available for settlement. However, these new arrivals
were not properly treated during the 1780s and 1790s as
only a fraction of those eligible to receive land
actually did take possession. Indeed, many proprietors
who had offered land to the arriving Loyalists ultimately
reclaimed their title or were found to be not legally
entitled to make the transfer in the first place. In the
end, considerably fewer than one hundred of the 545 known
Loyalists actually received any land, and the
Loyalist Question remained unresolved for three
quarters of a century.
Nonetheless, during this period the English had the best
access to education; they had the most capital, and the
best training in agriculture, business, and fishing. Most
of the Islands greatest merchants, ship-builders
and professionals and, for a time, the overwhelming
majority of legislators, came from this group. Today,
class divisions of a cultural nature have been largely
eliminated and Islanders of English, Scottish, Irish,
Acadian, and all other origins share equal status.

The Irish | Multiculturalism | The Mikmaq
The Scots | Acadians and Francophones