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Acadian Campgrounds
Annapolis Basin Campgrounds
Annapolis Valley Campgrounds
Digby and Area Campgrounds
Digby Neck and Islands Campgrounds
Our Region

Parker's Cove

The Cove Tent and Trailer Park

Dana & Lynn Robinson
Parker's Cove RR3
Granville Ferry, NS  B0S 1K0
Exit Rte 1 to Parker Mt Rd, 10 km (6 mi.) north of Annapolis Royal
Season: May 15 to September 30
Rate: $14 minimum
Phone: (902) 532-5166

Mountain Top Cottages

Stewart & Diane Robinson
Parker Mountain Road Box 3022
Granville Ferry, NS  B0S 1K0
Season: May to October
Rates: $10+
Phone: (902) 532-2564

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