The P.S. Lady Sherbrooke
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A Door of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke

Door Door
Perhaps one of the easiest elements to recognize from the wreck of the P.S. Lady Sherbrooke is this cabin door. Found in a very complicated arrangement (see the design of the door underwater and compare this to arrangement on the research vessel) the door was brought to the surface in pieces and reorganized to its original state. The relatively good condition of the door can probably be explained by the wall, stairs, and cabin area collapsing over top of the door (see image). This area was then quickly covered by silt ensuring its protection.

Door Since this is an element that is easy to relate to it was decided that it would be conserved. The task of conserving wood that has been underwater for over 100 years is time consuming and very expensive. It is believed that by conserving this small sample from the vessel that interest will be raised leading to a fuller recognition of the Lady Sherbrooke in Canadian history.

Door Door