



The Engineer's Residence


The Engineer's Residence was similar to the Governor's apartment in the King's Bastion, it contained work areas where the King's Louisbourg business was performed, as well as living quarters. It was a masonry style building, as were most of the upper-class buildings of eighteenth century Louisbourg.

noThe proposed construction cost of the Engineer's residence was to be 6 000 livres. However, the total cost reached over 28 000 livres. The property included the residence, a yard with a garden, and an adjacent yard with a shed, a stable, a laundry, a latrine and a duck pond. On this property was also the Ancien Magasin (old former storehouse). The shed was divided into two sections. One side was used as a laundry and the other side was a stable which housed livestock such as chickens and ducks. The open side was closed off by a piquet style fence.

The latrine had a sewage disposal system which was a drain leading to two pits. It was a simple disposal system, a common type of this period.

This residence was definitely acceptable accommodations for the Ingenieur du Roi.

Étienne Verrier

The Gardens