Mme. Des Roches
Mme. Des Roches's maiden name was Jeanne Galbarrette. Her first marriage was to Joannis Dastarait, a habitant pêcheur (fisherman). However, the census of 1726 lists him as a habitant cabaretier (tavernkeeper). Jeanne Galbarrette was widowed in December of 1726. It appears that Jeanne continued Dastarit's business operations since she was included in the 1734 census as an innkeeper with two servants. It is believed that her guests were non-resident and usually connected with the fishing industry.
Jeanne married again in 1735 to Laurent Dibarrat, a Basque merchant. However, this was only a short marriage and Jeanne was widowed a second time in September of 1736.
In January of 1738 Jeanne Galbarrette married a third time, at the age of 69, to Georges Des Roches, aged 28. If Georges had planned on a short marriage, he was sadly mistaken since his wife would live to be 85 years old. After the capture of the fortress in 1745, Des Roches and Galbarrette were among the few French inhabitants who remained in Louisbourg. During the second French occupation, the Des Roches property was a busy fishing center.
Jeanne Galbarrette died on December 18, 1754, at the age of 85. Georges Des Roches, age 44, continued to reside at this property until at least 1756.