



The Mutiny


In 1744, soldiers of the Regiment de Karrer initiated a bloodless mutiny. The soldiers often complained that the supply of firewood was inadequate and the food they were given was of poor quality. Sometimes the meat would be swarming with maggots and the vegetables rotten. During this same time the civilian citizens were being sold fresh food for profit. There were also complaints that the soldiers were only receiving half cords of firewood instead of the full cords promised. These were some of the main causes of the mutiny.

It began as a simple show of strength to back their demands of improving the treatment they were receiving. Although bloodshed was avoided, there was great resentment shown toward the officers and it soon developed into a full scale protest. Including all the units except sergeants of Compagnies Franches and the Artillery Company, they took control of the town and threatened to surrender it to the enemy if their demands were not met. After a few days, with the granting of a few material demands and a promise of amnesty for the ringleaders, they returned to their expected duties. Unfortunately for the mutineers, the promise of amnesty was revoked because it was determined to have been given under duress.

At least thirteen men were sentenced to be executed for their actions after being found guilty of mutiny. Eight were executed, two died in prison, two had their sentences commuted to life terms on the galleys and one escaped.