Gypsy Moth IV

Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, using the same sword that had been used to Knight Sir Francis Drake, Sir Francis Chichester is well known for his adventures as a deep sea yachtsman. Chichester named his sailing vessels after the Gypsy Moth, a small aircraft he flew solo to Australia in 1929.

Gypsy Moth
Gypsy Moth IV rounding Cape Horn
mmbc collection
Chichester portrait
An expert on air navigation, he became a recreational sailor after W.W.II, going on to win the first single-handed transatlantic race in his 12m sloop Gypsy Moth III. In 1966, sailing in Gypsy Moth IV, he set out from England on a voyage to Australia that would beat the sailing times established by earlier clipper ships. He reached Sydney in 107 days, then continued his adventure completing a circumnavigation of the globe in 274 days. In 1970, sailing in the Gypsy Moth V, Chichester attempted to sail 4,000 miles in 20 days, falling short of his goal by one day.


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