left spike 1774 right spike
Country: Spain
Explorer: Juan Perez
Ships: Santiago
Area Explored: Reached Queen Charlotte Islands and the west coast of Vancouver Island.

left spike1775 right spike
Country: Spain
Explorer: Bruno de Hezeta and Bodega y Quadra
Ships: Santiago & Sonora
Area Explored: Reached southern Alaska.

left spike1778right spike
Country: Britain
Explorer: James Cook
Ships: Resolution & Discovery
Area Explored: Nootka Sound & Alaska.

left spike1779right spike
Country: Spain
Explorer: Ignacio Arteaga and Bodega y Quadra
Ships: Favorita & Princesa
Area Explored: Alaska.

left spike1786right spike
Country: France
Explorer: La Pérouse
Ships: Boussole & Astrolabe
Area Explored: Alaska.

left spike1788right spike
Country: Spain
Explorer: Estevan José Martinez and Lopez de Haro
Ships: Princesa & San Carlos
Area Explored: Reached Alaska, Lopez turned back.

left spike1790right spike
Country: Spain
Explorer: Manuel Quimper
Ships: Princesa Real
Area Explored: Juan de Fuca, Sooke, Esquimalt.

left spike1791right spike
Country: Spain
Explorer: Ramon Saavedra and Jose Maria Narvaez
Ships: San Carlos & Santa Santurnina
Area Explored: Juan de Fuca, Strait of Georgia.

Country: Spain
Explorer: Alejandro Malaspina and Jose Bustamante y Guerra
Ships: Atrevida & Descubierta
Area Explored: Alaska.

left spike1792right spike
Country: Britain
Explorer: Vancouver and Broughton
Ships: Discovery & Chatham
Area Explored: California coast, Puget Sound, Circumnavigation of Vancouver Island.

Country: Spain
Explorer: Galiano and Valdes
Ships: Sutil & Mexicana
Area Explored: Circumnavigation of Vancouver Island.

left spike1793right spike
Country: Britain
Explorer: Vancouver and Broughton
Ships: Discovery & Chatham
Area Explored: California coast, Alaska Panhandle.

left spike1794right spike
Country: Britain
Explorer: Vancouver and Broughton
Ships: Discovery & Chatham
Area Explored: Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound.

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