Website © 1998 Concordia University

The text and  images contained on this website are intended for viewing by students, scholars and the public. Commercial use or publication of materials contained herein is subject to permission from the copyright holders.

All works of art by Eleanor Milne are copyright the artist. Images of her work may not be copied, altered, reused or distributed without the written consent of Eleanor Milne. She may be contacted at

Civil Law carving, Provincial Stained-Glass Windows and photos of Eleanor Milne working on the Origin of Life in Canada carving designs and talking with Maurice Joanisse are reproduced from the Canadian Geographic with the kind permission of Canadian Geographic and Ron Devries. Those and other photographs supplied by Ron Devries for this website are all copyright Ron Devries, photographer.

Images of the Berry and Tetramorph windows are reproduced courtesy St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, with their kind permission.

Uncredited photos were taken by team members. Photos of works by Ivan Mestrovic and Malvina Hoffman at Syracuse University were taken by project co-director Catherine MacKenzie.

Photos by Lawrence Hayward are from the  Hayward Collection of Slides and Documentation on Canadian Sculptors in the Faculty of Fine Arts,  Concordia University. You may browse through over one hundred slides and photos of Eleanor Milne's work from the Hayward Collection at Concordia University in the databases of Canada's Digital Collections websites, Canadian Sculpture: Coming of Age and Canadian Sculpture from the Hayward and Brault Collections. For commercial use contact Lawrence Hayward in Kingston, Ontario.

A good source for photo documentation of architecture, art, decoration and sculpture of the Ottawa Houses of Parliament is the visual resources archive of Hartill Art Associates ( Slides of all Eleanor Milne's work in the Parliament buildings are available, for educational purposes only. Email

"Eleanor Milne: The Making of an Artist in Canada," an essay by Sandra Alfoldy, is copyright the author. All uninitialed texts are by Sandra Alfoldy.


Credits and Copyrights

We would like to thank above all, Rose Eleanor Milne, for her patience, willingness and time. Her participation in this project made it a memorable experience for all of us.

Thanks also to the following people who helped us:
(in alphabetical order)
Marique Andromache and Nathalie Dallaire in the Offices of the Hon. Lucienne Robillard
Canadian Geographic, Ottawa
Charles Belanger, Supervisor,  Media Labs, IITS, Concordia University
Danielle Blanchette, Archives Service, Montréal Museum of Fine Arts
Ron Devries, Photographer, Ottawa
Audrey Dubé, Assistant Curator, Parliament Hill, Ottawa
Heritage Montréal (external link)
Jardin botanique de Montréal
Prof. Clement Lam, Computer Science Department, Concordia University
Peter J. Larocque, Curator, New Brunswick Cultural History and Art, New Brunswick Museum
Joyce Millar, Director, Stewart Hall Art Gallery, Pointe-Claire
Shannon MacDonnell, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ottawa
Sylvie Menard, Archives, Université du Québec
Tom & Lou Oosterhoff, Estate of  William Oosterhoff, Montréal
Marie-Claire Saia, Photographs and Copyright, Montréal Museum of Fine Arts
Sam Thomas, Parliament Hill Boutique in the Centre Block, Ottawa
Dot Westin, St. Andrew's Church