All of Eleanor Milne's exhibitions have been by request. However, the thirty-two years she spent working as Dominion Sculptor did not allow her to maintain an exhibition schedule. In some respects, every day was an exhibition forDedication Milne's work in the Centre Block, as it will continue to be. The following is a list of Milne's exhibitions that we have identified to date:

Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Art Gallery of Toronto (now Art Gallery of Ontario), Toronto, Ontario

Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Montréal Museum of Fine Arts, Montréal, Québec

National Council of Women, International Meeting, Royal Victoria College, Montréal, Québec

Open Air Exhibition, St. Helen's Island, Montréal, Québec


Rycki, Py and Milne, Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, Ontario, 1954

Gerald, Trottier and Milne, Robertson Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario

"One-man" Show, private showing, Ottawa, Ontario

"One-man" Show, New Brunswick Museum, September 15–28, 1959

Ashley Gallery, London, England, 1959

Group Exhibition, Kanata, Ontario, 1998

Royal Canadian Academy of Arts Playing Card Exhibition, Edward Day Gallery, Toronto, October, 1998

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