Continuing Interests
Eleanor Milne holding current paintingEleanor Milne's legendary energy and interest in life have only been expanded following her retirement as Dominion Sculptor in 1993. Milne is still active today in the Roman Catholic Church. Her large extended family is a source of happiness for Milne, who maintains residence in one of her family’s original homes. Her love of animals means that her home is never without their presence. She shares her home with her Norwegian Elkhounds Burleigh and SaRa. 

Travel has been a favourite past-time for Milne ever since childhood when her parents encouraged her to join them on trips. In recent years she has travelled to Vancouver to use a special kiln to create a ceramic mosaic, and to Baffin Island to the Arctic College to teach. She also travels extensively across the country in her capacity as a juror and lecturer. In the spring of 1999 she was in New Zealand working on a book about her artistic contributions to the Canadian Parliament Buildings. Eleanor Milne is inspirational in her continuing determination to develop and expand creatively—not at all surprising for a woman who has spent her life in the pursuit of new forms of artistic achievement.

Recent interest in fractals (mathematical and natural random patterns) has forced Milne to practice her skill at mathematics. Gardening has been a lifelong passion for Milne, who even earned income in her youth as a gardener.

Detail of  An Eleanor Milne's paintingAcrylic and oil painting, media to which she is new, have been her most recent choice for artistic expansion. Her colourful canvases focusing on spiritual themes have already been publicly exhibited. She is currently creating works to be shown as part of a millennial exhibition. These pieces take her lifelong interest in spiritual imagery and combine them with morality tales from the modern film Star Wars. Some examples may be seen in the Gallery section of this website. On this page are details from "Revelation."

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