
Meeting and talking with Eleanor Milne for this student Web project was a rare privilege and a fine adventure for the team.

The project was completed in two phases. In phase 1 the site was created by Sandra Alfoldy, Mikaela Bobiy, Shaun Cooke and Brett Gaylor. In phase 2 Sandra and Mikaela wrote supplementary texts you can see by clicking on "hot" links in the album pages. Video and sound clips were added. Many new images and all new graphics were added.

Sandra Alfoldy is responsible for the research and textual information on this site except for texts that are initialled by someone else. Sandra is a Ph.D. student in Art History at Concordia University. Her specialization is contemporary craft, specifically craft theory. Her parents are full-time professional artists in British Columbia, and she was raised with an understanding of the challenges in surviving as an artist in Canada.

Mikaela Bobiy is responsible for archival research in the Hayward Collection as well as dealing with issues of copyright and data input. She researched and wrote supplementary texts initialled MB. Mikaela is an M.A student in Art History at Concordia University.

Shaun Patrick Cooke
was the team leader for phase 1 of this project, responsible for the co-ordination of the team as they went through the processes of putting together the site. He did many of the photographs you see on the site and also some of the original design and coding. He is a graduating student from the Design Art program at Concordia University.

Brett Gaylor
was responsible for the design and coding of phase 1 of the web site, as well as some of the photography and all the original video footage taken at Eleanor Milne's home in the autumn of 1998. He is a student at the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema at Concordia University.

Additions of sound and video, graphics and technical work in phase 2 of this project were accomplished by students at Concordia University.

Project Co-Directors

All original research in phase 1 of the project was supervised by Dr. Catherine MacKenzie, Associate Professor Department of Art History at Concordia University.

Linda Bien is an Associate Librarian at Concordia University, in Charge of Research Slide Collections in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

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