Weavers at Musqueam
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Weavers at Musqueam
Home Page Introduction Artist Profiles Essay Glossary of Terms
Credits Header
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The content of this website is based on the sourcebook Musqueam Weavers: Musqueam Weaving Through the Personal Stories of Weavers (MOA, 2002), created in collaboration with Jill Baird, museum staff, and the weavers at Musqueam.

We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Musqueam weavers whose stories are shared here. The First Nations community of Musqueam, located at the mouth of Fraser River in Vancouver British Columbia, has a thriving community of weavers, of which the five profiled here are just the beginning.

We would like to thank all those who contributed photographs and offered advice on the website.

Weavers:Vivian Campell
Lynn Dan
Krista Point
McGary Point
Debra Sparrow
UBC Museum of Anthropology Staff:Jill Baird, Curator of Education
Cliff Lauson, Education and Public Programmes Assistant
Terry Point, Musqueam Research Assistant
Website Team:Unlimited Digital, http://www.unlimiteddigital.ca
Wayne Clark, Producer
Susanne Hendrickson, Project Manager
Darren Card, Design and Development
Kyle McIntosh, Design and Development
Terry Point, Project Coordinator
Canada's Digital CollectionsThis digital collection was produced with financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections initiative, Industry Canada.
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