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History - Louisbourg (con't)  

bastions. On the ocean side, Louisbourg had smaller ramparts and gun emplacements, as well as 2 major batteries. Construction of Louisbourg began in 1720, but fortifications were not completed until 20 years later due to adverse climatic conditions as well as a lack of proper construction materials and construction workers. Some historians say that this fortress was the first city on the western continent to be scientifically walled.

For some time, life at Louisbourg was indeed prosperous. The city consisted of wooden houses, stores, inns, chapels, etc., all of which did not exceed two stories high thereby permitting fresh air to circulate. The population count at Louisbourg in 1734 was 1116, however this total reached 1463 people in 1737. Once the 550 men of the garrison from

Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, Partie de l'Amérique Septent? qui comprend la Nouvelle France ou le Canada, 1755. Bibliothèque nationale du Québec.

that time were added (the fortress’ garrison usually varied from about 1,000 to 4,000 men), the total population exceeded 2000 people, making Louisbourg one of the most populous cities in North America. Among this population there were soldiers, carpenters, stonemasons, tailors, housewives, nuns, a dance master, and even black slaves. The Micmacs also came to the fortress with pelts to trade and the Acadians came to sell their produce. Furthermore, the city was full of merchants, Basque fishermen, royal officials, and sailors from Quebec, Boston, France and Martinique.

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