cultivated and most farmers (19 out of 28) cultivated 5 to 10 arpents
each. Even though there were many farmers in the village, other
professions are also noted, such as coaster, tailor, ploughman,
surgeon, builder, and potter.
In 1710, only several churches were located in Minas Basin. The
village of Pisiguit had two parishes to itself, however they were
not founded at the same time. The first to be established was Sainte-Famille
on August 8th 1698, on the eastern bank. Those living on the western
side had to cross the river in order to attend church. Obviously,
this journey was not very practical, but it wasnt until a
number of years later, on June 28th 1722, that the parish of Notre
Dame de lAssomption was founded on the opposite shore. Since
only one priest was responsible for both parishes, he had to alternate
sides every Sunday. During the last few years