City Lights: Vancouver's Neon Heritage

Camera used by street photographer Foncie Pulice,
1946-1979 Donated by Foncie Pulice, H980.6.1
Photographed by Shani Whitbread

In the 1950s and 1960s Vancouver residents dressed up to go downtown. Neon contributed to the excitement, glitter and colour of the spectacle. And with this camera, Foncie Pulice captured countless images of Vancouverites parading the downtown streets. Foncie Pulice started work as an assistant to street photographer Joe Iaci in 1934. After serving in World War II, Pulice began working independently, using this camera made of war surplus materials. He snapped literally thousands of photographs during his career on Vancouver's main streets. Many people have a "Foncie Foto" tucked away in a scrapbook or album.

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