PDF Manifest

This page gives file names and descriptions of all Portable Document Format (pdf) files available from the Nova Scotia Museum's Natural History of Nova Scotia project. Main Topics and Habitats files (e.g. t2.pdf) contain all the T2 pages (i.e. T2.1, T2.2, ..., T2.7)

For more information please see us on the Web at http://www.ednet.ns.ca/educ/museum/mnh/nature/nhns/.
All pdf files are also available by anonymous FTP at ftp://ftp.ednet.ns.ca/pub/educ/nhns/

File NameSizeSection Title
t1.pdf 260kCanadian Setting
t2-1.pdf237kIntroduction to the Geological History of Nova Scotia
t2pull.pdf261kPull-out section to accompany T2.1
t2-2.pdf 152kThe Avalon and Meguma Zones
t2-3.pdf 59kGranite in Nova Scotia
t2-4.pdf 77kThe Carboniferous Basin
t2-5.pdf136kThe Nova Scotian Desert
t2-6.pdf 52kThe Triassic Basalts and Continental Rifting
t2-7.pdf 217kOffshore Geology
t3.pdf767kLandscape Development
t3-1.pdf52kDevelopment of the Ancient Landscape
t3-2.pdf81kAncient Drainage Patterns
t3-3.pdf107kGlaciation, Deglaciation and Sea-level Changes
t3-3pull.pdf185kPull-out section to accompany T3.3
t3-4.pdf180kTerrestrial Glacial Deposits and Landscape Features
t3-5.pdf214kOffshore Bottom Characteristics
t4-1.pdf 71kPost-glacial Climatic Change
t4-2.pdf 32kPost-glacial Colonization by Plants
t4-3.pdf 56kPost-glacial Colonization by Animals
t5-1.pdf 49kThe Dynamics of Nova Scotia's Climate
t5-2.pdf 288kNova Scotia's Climate
t6.pdf488kThe Ocean
t6-1.pdf 306kOcean Currents
t6-2.pdf 162kOceanic Environments
t6-3.pdf 22kCoastal Aquatic Environments
t6-4.pdf 35kEstuaries
t7.pdf255kThe Coast
t7-1.pdf 45kModifying Forces
t7-2.pdf 44kCoastal Environments
t7-3.pdf 196kCoastal Landforms
t8.pdf1144kFresh Water
t8-1.pdf 380kFreshwater Hydrology
t8-2.pdf 738kFreshwater Environments
t8-3.pdf 57kFreshwater Wetlands
t9-1.pdf 23kSoil-forming Factors
t9-2.pdf 48kSoil Classification
t9-3.pdf 42kBiological Environment
t10-1.pdf 27kVegetation Change
t10-2.pdf 31kSuccessional Trends in Vegetation
t10-3.pdf 30kVegetation and the Environment
t10-4.pdf 43kPlant Communities in Nova Scotia
t10-5.pdf 99kSeed-bearing Plants
t10-6.pdf 248kTrees
t10-7.pdf 149kPteridophytes (Ferns and Their Allies)
t10-8.pdf 242kBryophytes (Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts)
t10-9.pdf 335kAlgae
t10-10.pdf 64kFungi
t10-11.pdf 169kLichens
t10-12.pdf 76kRare and Endangered Plants
t11-1.pdf 18kFactors Influencing Birds
t11-2.pdf 102kForest and Edge-habitat Birds
t11-3.pdf 47kOpen-habitat Birds
t11-4.pdf 86kBirds of Prey
t11-5.pdf 77kFreshwater Wetland Birds and Waterfowl
t11-6.pdf 101kShorebirds and Other Birds of Coastal Wetlands
t11-7.pdf 69kSeabirds and Birds of Marine Habitats
t11-8.pdf 69kLand Mammals
t11-9.pdf 85kCarnivores
t11-10.pdf 132kUngulates
t11-11.pdf 127kSmall Mammals
t11-12.pdf 123kMarine Mammals
t11-13.pdf 50kFreshwater Fishes
t11-14.pdf 119kMarine Fishes
t11-15.pdf 66kAmphibians and Reptiles
t11-16.pdf 196kLand and Freshwater Invertebrates
t11-17.pdf 246kMarine Invertebrates
t11-18.pdf 70kRare and Endangered Animals
t12.pdf1212kCultural Environments
t12-i.pdf 20kCultural Environments
t12-1.pdf 106kColonization by People
t12-2.pdf 120kCultural Landscapes
t12-3.pdf 186kGeology and Resources
t12-4.pdf 139kGlacial Deposits and Resources
t12-5.pdf 34kClimate and Resources
t12-6.pdf 37kThe Ocean and Resources
t12-7.pdf 83kThe Coast and Resources
t12-8.pdf 93kFresh Water and Resources
t12-9.pdf 132kSoil and Resources
t12-10.pdf 105kPlants and Resources
t12-11.pdf 129kAnimals and Resources
t12-12.pdf 91kRecreational Resources
t12-13.pdf 116kScenic Quality
hi.pdf 137kIntroduction - Habitats
h1-1.pdf55kOpen Water
h1-2.pdf 182kBenthic
h2-1.pdf 96kRocky Shore
h2-2.pdf 153kBoulder / Cobble Shore
h2-3.pdf 58kSandy Shore
h2-4.pdf 95kMud Flat
h2-5.pdf 184kTidal Marsh
h2-6.pdf 131kDune System
h3-1.pdf 106kOpen-Water Lotic (Rivers and Streams)
h3-2.pdf 59kOpen-Water Lentic (Lakes and Ponds)
h3-3.pdf 66kBottom Lotic (Rivers and Streams)
h3-4.pdf 68kBottom Lentic (Lakes and Ponds)
h3-5.pdf 73kWater's Edge Lotic (Rivers and Streams)
h3-6.pdf 203kWater's Edge Lentic (Lakes and Ponds)
h4.pdf509kFreshwater Wetlands
h4-1.pdf 181kBog
h4-2.pdf 79kFen
h4-3.pdf 177kSwamp
h4-4.pdf 111kFreshwater Marsh (Inland)
h5.pdf599kTerrestrial Unforested
h5-1.pdf 116kBarren
h5-2.pdf 111kOldfield
h5-3.pdf 132kCliff and Bank
h5-4.pdf 131kTalus Slope
h5-5.pdf 161kCave
h6-i.pdf 86kIntroduction
h6-1.pdf 241kHardwood Forest
h6-2.pdf 563kSoftwood Forest
h6-3.pdf 144kMixedwood Forest