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Games: Many facets of Maliseet culture required great skill in speed and hand dexterity. To hone these skills, games of chance were invented. Some of these games required great concentration and memory. Others were similar to chess and checkers. For instance the game of waltes, a dice and bowl game played with counting sticks, involved concentration, intellectual skill, and endurance of time. Usually these games were played into the night and some even lasted until sunrise. Snowsnake games were also played quite often. The object of the game was to throw the snowsnake on a flat bed of snow to see how far it would travel. Distance determined the winner of the game. Snowsnakes have been known to travel incredible distances at tremendous velocity. Some of these games are represented in the CMC collection.

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet game

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet "snowsnake"

Maliseet game

Maliseet dice

Maliseet miniature canoe

Maliseet doll

Part of Maliseet game

Maliseet dice

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