Research Welcome to Ogopgo Country

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Prove Ogopogo's existence and receive $2 million

The legendary lake creature has been making appearances since long before the white man inhabited Okanagan Lake's shores. The local natives referred to the creature as N'ha-a-itk.

The first recorded sighting was by celebrated pioneer Mrs. John Allison in 1872 when she spied the creature near Westbank. Since then, "Ogie" has made numerous appearances up and down the lake each year.

What does Ogopogo look like? Some say it's 15 feet in length, other reports have described it as being up to 50 feet long. It's a dark green color and it's head has been said to resemble that of a bearded goat, a sheep or a horse, with a body that wriggles through the water like a worm. Most sightings report seeing several humps sticking out of the water, at least five feet apart.

Ogopogo Search Criteria

The $2 million (CDN) prize will be awarded to the first person to submit or provide indisputable evidence of the existence of Ogopogo in Okanagan Lake. Such evidence will be submitted to the Okanagan University College Biology Department in Penticton for presentation to a group of International Cryptozoologists who will verify and authenticate the evidence.

Ogopogo PermitRules & Eligibility

Must be conducted on or in Okanagan Lake.

  • Search to be conducted between August 1, 2000 and September 1, 2001.
  • No harm or injury to be suffered by Ogopogo in the event of capture.
  • Any photographic evidence must include an original negative and photograph(s) that clearly show the size of Ogopogo, features that distinguish it from any known, non-extinct species and geographical features that place Ogopogo on Okanagan Lake. (Include a written description of the sighting).
  • Ogopogo must be proven to be a minimum of 21 feet or 7 metres in length.
  • Ogopogo must be previously unidentified or one thought by (relevant body) to have been extinct for at least one million years.
  • The searcher must be a registered holder of an Official Ogopogo Search Permit. Permits are available at Okanagan Valley Tourist Information Centres and participating businesses. Minimum 19 years of age or have parental/guardian permission.

Go read the Interview with John Singleton for the first result of the contest, and the official ogopogosearch website : Back to Top

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