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Economic Impact of Arts & Culture
of Arts and Culture
The Project

Economic Impact of Arts & Culture
The Study
The Dynamics
The Impacts
The Sectors

Cultural Tourism & Cultural Industries

Interview with
Steven Thorne

Newspaper Articles


Arts Development Office, 1995. 1995 City of Kelowna Budget Allocations for Recreation, Leisure, the Arts, and the Centennial Museum: A Comparative Itemization. Kelowna BC (unpublished).

B.C. Film Commission. 1997. News Release: B.C. Film and Television Industry Breaks Half Billion Dollar Mark in 1996. Victoria BC.

City of Sheffield. 1997, July 18. Personal conversation between Steven Thorne and the City's Department of Employment and Economic Development.

Department of Canadian Heritage. 1996. Canada's Culture, Heritage and Identity: A Statistical Perspective. Ottawa ON.

Frost Kumpf, H. 1995. Notes on Cultural District Formation in the United States. State College PA. (unpublished).

Greater Vancouver Regional District. 1997. Arts & Culture in Greater Vancouver. Contributing to the Livable Region. Vancouver BC.

Industry Canada and Canadian Heritage. 1995. Heritage Tourism Discover the Opportunity. Ottawa ON.

Johnston, R. 1995. The Cultural Industry Strategy of the Hamilton Wentworth Region: Background Brief. Hamilton ON. (unpublished).

Leitch, C. 1997. Baby boomers expected to give tourism a boost in next century. The Globe and Mail. June 7.

Leroux, R. 1985. Culture Tourism: At a Crossroad. Ottawa ON.
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Lord Cultural Resources and Planning Management Inc. 1993. Ontario's Cultural Tourism Product. Toronto ON.

MacNaull, S. 1997. Tourism worth $250 million a year. The Daily Courier 1997 Horizons. March 25.

Moskin, B., and Guettler, S. 1995. Exploring America Through its Culture. Americans for the Arts. Washington DC.

Schamess, G. 1996. August. Lofty Plans for Artists. Planning, pp. 16 18. Chicago IL.

Statistics Canada, 1997. Government Expenditures on Culture, 1994 95. (Catalogue No. 87F0001XPE/F). Ottawa ON.

Statistics Canada, 1997. The Health and Vitality of the Cultural Sector in British Columbia. Ottawa ON.

Statistics Canada, 1996, Summer. Focus on Culture. (Catalogue No. 87 004XPB). Ottawa ON.

Statistics Canada, 1994. Canadian Travel Survey, 1994. Ottawa ON.

Statistics Canada. 1993. Selected Economic, Financial, and Cultural Indicators for the Cultural Industries Sector for the Metro Toronto Area. Ottawa ON.

Stratford Festival. 1997. About the Festival 1997. Stratford ON.

Taylor, K. 1996. A tale of two festival towns. The Globe and Mail. May 18.

Tourism Canada. 1986. U.S. Pleasure Travel Market Study. Canadian Potential: Highlights Report. Ottawa ON.

Tourism Vancouver. 1996. The Bigger Picture. Tourism Vancouver's Business and Market Development Plan. Vancouver BC.

Union of British Columbia Municipalities. 1997. Creative Connections: Arts and Culture in British Columbia Communities. Richmond BC.

West, D. 1995. Condo Plan to Help Turn Peekskill Into an Artist Colony. The New York Times. Sept. 19.

Wynne, D., ed. 1992. Urban Regeneration and the Arts in The Culture Industry. pp. 84 95. Avebury. Aldershot UK.

Zuzanek, J., and Lee, M. 1981. Social Ecology of Art Audiences. Third Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Edmonton ALTA.

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