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The Database


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An Annotated Bibliography


ESL/LINC Software

Resources and Web Sites


1. The database is being delivered on two platforms, Macintosh and Windows 95. The file has been compressed to allow it to fit onto one disk and must first be decompressed onto your hard disk.

2. You must have the software Filemaker Pro v3.0 installed on your computer to run the database.


To install:


For IBM Windows 95

Insert the disk into drive A and go to My Computer. Open drive A and find the file setup.bat. Double click on the file and the database and accompanying documents will be copied into the subdirectory c:\eslinc.

For the Macintosh

Insert the disk into the disk drive and double click on the file ESLINC.FM which will appear on the screen. Answer the prompts making sure you install the file onto your hard disk.

Once you open the database you will see the opening screen which is the Main Menu screen, also referred to as a layout in this manual.

Main Menu Layout

Clicking on these buttons will take you to additional layouts as indicated by the button titles.

This is the View Records Menu

Clicking on the Record View Menu button on the Main Menu layout will take you to the Record View Menu layout.



Each of the 12 buttons on this layout performs a different function as indicated by the button title. By clicking on any button it will show you the records for that category in the Record View. All record views are presented in Alphabetical Order.



The All Records button takes you to the Record View layout for the first record in the database. It displays all records in the database in alphabetical order.


The Internet Site button takes you to the Record View for the first Internet site record in the database. It displays the records in the database which are Internet sites. All records are displayed in alphabetical order.

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© Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 1998
Email comments to Peter Wilson
Last updated: November 12, 1998
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