The Osborne Collection at The Toronto Public Library

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Story of the Mazes

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Cries Colouring Activities
Ellen the Paper Doll
Cut-out paper Toys
Pop-Ups Theater Scrapbook

mazes page 18

Maze V

Maze of Cobwebs.

1. Prince Prettypegs in search of his sister, the Princess Silverstar, who had been carried off by Grislygarb, King of the Spiders, meets in a forest his Godmother, the Fairy Daisydew, who gives him an enchanted cap and a magic sword.

2. Armed with his magic sword, which on Cobweb can resist, the Prince cuts his way through the forest, and puts to flight a whole army of Spiders.

3. Passing through a flowery glen, he hears suddenly a fierce hiss, and sees a monstrous Boa Constrictor rising out of the long grass. A battle takes place between the Prince and the Boa, who is at last cut to pieces with the magic sword.

4. The Prince reaches a perpendicular precipice, which it seems impossible to scale. Suddenly he perceives a rope of green silk hanging from the top of the rock. Regardless of danger, he trusts himself to the frail support, and , being an excellent climber, arrives safely at the top of the precipice.

5. Grislygrab's Palace is situated in the midst of an extensive plain. Terrance rises over terrace, each seeming more beautiful than the one before it, with fountains and beds of the most gorgeous flowers. The ground seems of golden sands; the interior of the palace is paved with black and gold mosaic; the halls communicate by galleries supported on curiously carved columns, and by staircases of ivory and mother-of-pearl, representing the most delicate designs of lace embroidery. At last, in one of the chambers, the Prince perceives his sister fast asleep on a rich rosewood couch with velvet hangings, and behind a thick screen of Cobwebs. At the top of the Cobwebs, lurking behind the curtains, is Grislygrab. The first thrust of the sword forces him out of this hiding-place, and, after a battle of half an hour, the Prince stabs him to the heart. The castle vanishes, and the Fairy Daisydew is seen driving through the air in her car drawn by butterflies. She takes the children home to their parents, who give a grand ball to celebrate their happy return.

Story of the Mazes | Mazes on Display | Interactive Mazes