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Story of the Mazes

front cover
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back cover

about this project
Cries of London
Colouring Books
Activities Section
Ellen the Paper Doll
Cut-out paper Toys

Popup Books
Theatre Section

Activities images

The Game of Mazes
The Game of Mazes, now for the first time introduced to the public, offers to young people an endless fund of amusement and enjoyment. It consists in tracing one's way, patiently and carefully, with a dry and clean pen, through the various windings of the Maze, until at last the right path is struck by which it is intended to reach the centre. It is needless to insist upon the amount of pleasure which children derive from this novel exercise of their ingenuity, the anxiety they feel to discover the clue to the labyrinth, and the delight they experience when their efforts have been crowned with success. Many hours may be thus employed, pleasantly and happily, and not, perhaps, quite unprofitably, in all times and seasons.

The centre of the Maze is in all cases the point intended to be reached, and in each Maze there exists a path which leads faithfully to the centre. Starting from the main entrance at the bottom of each Maze, and choosing any road which is open, the player follows its course carefully with a dry and clean pen, taking great care to keep constantly between the lines, none of which must ever be crossed. He may at any moment quit one direction for another, provided no line stops the passage, but whenever he comes to a bar or stop he must retrace his steps until he again arrives at an open path. The several Pictures of each Maze have each a distinct entrance, which is to be arrived at, like the centre, by a road starting from the principal entrance. A Picture is not to be considered as a bar; it may be entered and crossed at any point where it is not protected by a thick line.

The Maze of the "Happy Valley" The player who chooses this Maze for his first excursion must imagine himself setting forth on a fine summer's morning to explore the interesting sites it offers. If our tourist be a good walker, it will not be very long before he arrives a wild and romantic glen, shut in on all sides by rocks, covered with dark pines. Here he may be suddenly startled by hearing a loud roar,

Story of the Mazes | Mazes on Display | Interactive Mazes