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Royal British Columbia Museum

Coast Salish -- pn1380

Medium image
Photograph No: pn1380
Nation: Coast Salish
Location: Cowichan River
Date: 1867-70
Photographer: F. Dally
Collection: Archives
Additional Info: Salmon weir on Cowichan River. Canoe in foreground.
"Salmon crowded into the enclosure and could be scooped or speared. The two salmon traps shown in this photograph are most beautifully made, and are fished in and watched during the night - the boy has taken his place beside a long pole which is left at one end which he lets depend from his nose, and with the trap door up and open, goes to sleep, and when a salmon rushes in he immediately feels the jar given to his nose, drops the door, and spears the fish, which he is well able to see as it swims about, from the brightness of its scales." from Dally Album #5, p.12
© Royal BC Museum

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