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Creekside News

Welcome to the Pacific Coast
Salmon Fisheries Website

How our site works.

This site has been designed particularly for the use of Canadian teachers and school children, however, we are confident that everyone will find something of interest within the site. Please feel free to explore throughout this site and learn something about Salmon, their habitat, and the story of our relationship with these creatures, which are such an integral part of life on the Pacific Coast.

On the bottom of our toolbar to the left is a link to our on-line Web magazine - the Creekside News. This magazine chronicles the initial phase of the restoration of Haig-Brown Kingfisher Creek in Campbell River, British Columbia. This creek is a Coho salmon spawning creek, and its restoration is the fulfilment of the dream of pioneer conservationist Roderick Haig-Brown, and his long time friend Van Egan. Phase 2 of the restoration project took place during the summer of 1998, and Phase 3 continues during the summer of 1999. We encourage you to read the magazine to learn more about this project and salmon habitat restoration.

Site Map

On every page you will find a navigation bar to your left, similar to the one that is on this page. The icon for each section will appear in the upper left corner. By clicking on the section's upper left icon, you will return to the first page of that section. As well, on each page you will find a set of three small buttons in a row; they are: a left arrow, a salmon, and a right arrow. These are tools to navigate through that section. By clicking on the small salmon, you will return here - the entire site's Main Page.

Glossary words are highlighted in orange throughout the site. By clicking on the Glossary button, you will find the definitions to the highlighted words.
There is a Bibliography page which lists all the sources used on the site, as well as some additional resources. Click on the title of the book or article to link to the Bibliography.

Any additional instructions that might be needed are given on the individual pages themselves.

Our site is best viewed with Javascript enabled on your browser, but will work without it as well.

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