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Between the Words

Prescribed Learning Outcomes:
Language Arts

  • Grades 2 to 3
    • demonstrate a willingness to experiment with language to clarify their understanding, express their thoughts, and gain feedback
    • describe the main topics or ideas in communications they read
    • retell and sequence events and ideas from selections they have read or heard

  • Grades 4 to 5
    • predict the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context clues
    • interpret their impressions of poetry
    • demonstrate understanding of the main ideas in poetry
    • locate and interpret details to complete tasks
    • describe the key features of what they read
    • use a variety of sentences in their written work
    • appraise their own and others' work

  • Grades 6 to 7
    • use their knowledge of context to make sense of unfamiliar words
    • identify the main ideas in poetry
    • locate and interpret details to complete tasks
    • locate and interpret imagery that enhances meaning
    • describe the key features of what they read
    • paraphrase and elaborate on the ideas of others to clarify and extend understanding

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