The officials at the immigration hall are having a busy time this week. Forty
immigrants have already arrived since Monday and many more are expected daily. Yesterday fourteen
Swedes came in together, all looking for employment.
Four Englishmen and one Norwegian also arrived with the intention of locating on
homesteads. This morning ten Ruthenians came to the hall. They all expect to locate on homesteads in the Edmonton district.
June 13, 1910
All sorts and conditions of men continue to arrive at the immigration halls daily. Last Saturday a
colored gentleman from Oklahoma with a B.A. after his name, arrived in search of a school in Alberta. Thos. John Sydes, a steeple-jack from Ireland, and Joseph Mesler, a
German musician with flowing locks, are some other arrivals.
Eighty-eight immigrants were received in the halls last week and 168 left the halls during the last
eleven days.
The great majority of these 168 located on homesteads between the
G.T.P. railway and the new line of the C.N.R. in the Edmonton district. There are 28 immigrants still remaining.
June 27, 1910
The past week has been a fairly busy one at the immigration offices. Seventy immigrants were received in the halls during the last seven days and seventy-three departed, while there are still forty-four remaining. Of the seventy-three who left, fully one-third departed with the intention of filing on
homesteads, mostly along the new Grand Trunk Pacific line west of Edmonton.
Quite a number also located around Athabasca
Landing, while a fair number have
gone into the Peace River district. Four Brazilians, who have been staying at the halls for the last week, left this morning with the intention of homesteading in the Edmonton district.
Two Frenchmen, evidently possessing some capital, also came in this morning. They intend to buy a section of land in the district.
July 4, 1910
Four hundred people registered at the immigration offices during the month of June, which is a much larger number than that of the same month last year. The people are also a much superior class physically, morally and financially than those received last year. Yesterday a family of
Americans from Braham, Minn., arrived with the intention of buying land near Leduc. A colored family who intend to homestead along the
Grand Trunk Pacific also arrived and yesterday morning a big burly Irishman who stated that he wished to learn farming registered at the offices.
July 5, 1910
English and Scotch immigrants are still the most numerous at the immigration halls, although a large number of
Germans and Americans have registered during the last month.
The statistics for the last month in detail are as follows: Number of English immigrants received, 91; Irish, 5; Scotch, 30; Germans, 50; Scandinavians, 36; French, 16; Americans, 72; Canadians, 6; other nationalities, 94; total, 400.
The occupations of the immigrants were: Farmers 188, farm laborers 9, gentlemen 21, clerks 13, female servants 1, not classed 168, total 400.