Jones, David C. and MacPherson, Ian, ed. Building Beyond the Homestead: Rural History on
the Prairies. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1985.
Palmer, Howard and Tamara Palmer. Alberta, A New History. Edmonton: Hurtig, 1990.
Jensen, Bodil J. Alberta’s County of Mountain View. Didsbury: Mountain View County No. 17, 1983.
Barnwell Relief Society. Barnwell History. Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers, 1952. - Mormon history
McNeill, Leishman. Tales of the Old Town. Calgary: Calgary Herald, 1966.
Klassen, Henry C., ed. The Canadian West: Social Change and Economic Development. Calgary:
Comprint Publishing Company, 1977.
-essays dealing with various social and economic issues, education, women etc.
Palmer, Howard. Land of the Second Chance: A History of Ethnic Groups in Southern Alberta.
Lethbridge: Lethbridge Herald, 1972.
Knupp, Lillian. Life and Legends: A History of the Town of High River. Calgary: Sandstone Publishing,
Karamitsanis, Aphrodite, ed. Place Names of Alberta: Volume II; Southern Alberta. Calgary: University
of Calgary Press, 1992.
Loken, Gulbrand. From Fjord to Frontier. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1980.
Card, Brigham Y. et al., ed. The Mormon Presence in Canada. Edmonton: The University of Alberta
Press, 1990.
Palmer, Howard. Patterns of Prejudice, A History of Nativism in Alberta. Toronto: McClelland and
Stewart, 1982.
Mardon, Ernest G. and Austin A. Mardon. Alberta Mormon Politicians. Edmonton: Fisher House
Publishers, 1992.
Palmer, Howard and Tamara Palmer ed. Peoples of Alberta. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books,
Hill, Lawrence. Trials and Triumphs: The Story of African-Canadians. Toronto: Umbrella Press, c1993.
-for young people
Hooks, Gwen. The Keystone Legacy: Recollections of a Black Pioneer. Edmonton: Brightest Pebble,
Nzegwu, Nkiru. The Creation of the African-Canadian Odyssey. Toronto: The Power Plant, 1992.
Merritt, Susan E. Her Story II: Women From Canada’s Past. 1st ed. St.
Catharines: Vanwell, 1995.
Sadlier, Rosemary. Leading the Way: Black Women in Canada. Toronto: Umbrella Press, c1994.
Wood, Vi Alfred. The Alberta Temple, Centre and Symbol of Faith. Calgary: Detselig Enterprises, c1989.
Forsberg, Clyde Revere. The Roots of Early Mormonism: An Exegetical Inquiry. Ottawa: National
Library of Canada, c1990.
Godfrey, Donald G. and Brigham Y. Card, eds. The Diaries of Charles Ora Card: The Canadian
Years, 1886-1903. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, c1993.
Nelson, Lowry. The Mormon Village: A Pattern and Technique of Land Settlement. Salt Lake City:
University of Utah Press, 1952.
Gudmundsson, Finnbogi. In Retrospect, Seven Essays. Winnipeg: Turnstone Press, 1982.
Thomson, Colin A. Blacks in Deep Snow, Black Pioneers in Canada. Don Mills:
J.M. Dent and Sons (Canada) Ltd., 1979.
Lethbridge Stake Historical Committee. A History of the Mormon Church in Canada. Lethbridge:
The Lethbridge Herald Company Ltd., 1968.
Stephansson, Stephan G. Selected Translationgs From Andvökur. Edmonton: Stephan G. Stephansson
Homestead Restoration Committee, 1982.
Carter, Velma and wanda Leffler Akill. The Window of Our Memories. St. Albert:
B.CR. Society of Alberta, 1981.
Corbet, Elise A. The Manufacture of Agricultural Implements in Alberta, 1870 to 1955. Edmonton:
Alberta Culture, Reynolds-Alberta Museum, 1984.
Chevraux, Sharleen M. From the Ground Up. Edmonton: Alberta Education, c1979.
-for young readers
Wetherell, D.G. and Associates. Mixed Farmyards in Alberta, 1895-1955. Edmonton: Reynolds-Alberta
Museum, Alberta Culture, 1984.
Lilley, John. An Analysis of Legislation Affecting Agricultural Land in Alberta. Edmonton:
Environmental Council of Alberta, 1982.
Maryn, Sonia. The Chernochan Machine Shed, Ukrainian Farm Practices in East Central Alberta.
Edmonton: Alberta Culture, 1985.
Swindlehurst, Edward B. Alberta Agriculture: A Short History. Edmonton: s.n., 1967.
Danysk, Cecilia. Against the Grain: Accomodation to Conflict in Labour-Capital Relations in Prairie
Agriculture 1880-1930. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1991.
-Ph.D. thesis
Danysk, Cecilia. Hired Hands: Labour and the Development of Prairie Agriculture, 1880-1930. Toronto:
McClelland and Stewart, c1995.
MacEwan, John Walter Grant. Between the Red and the Rockies. Saskatoon: Western Producer
Prairie Books, 1981, c1979.
MacEwan, John Walter Grant. Grant MacEwan’s Illustrated History of Western Canadian Agriculture.
Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, c1980.
Gleave, Alfred P. United We Stand: Prairie Farmers, 1901-1975. Toronto: Lugus Productions, c1991.
Evans, Simon. Prince Charming Goes West: The Story of the E.P. Ranch. Calgary: University of Calgary
Press, 1998.
Smith, Cherie. Mendel’s Children: A Family Chronicle. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1998. -
Russian-Jewish immigration, stories of four generations
Leonard, David W. & Victoria Lemieux. A Fostered Dream : The Lure of the Peace River Country.
Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd., 1997.
Kroetsch, Robert. Alberta. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1993.
Thomas, Lewis G. Rancher’s Legacy. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1986.
Brado, Edward. Cattle Kingdom. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre Ltd., 1984.
Holt, Faye Reineberg. Settling In First Homes on the Prairies. Calgary: Fifth House Ltd., 1999.
Wetherell, Donald and Irene R.A. Kmet. Homes in Alberta. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press,