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How to Get There

IN THE SUMMER SEASON (about May 1st to October 31st) – CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY from Port Arthur, Duluth, and Winnipeg to Athabasca Landing. Mirror Landing is where the Lesser Slave Lake joins the Athabasca River. At Mirror Landing there is a small portage or "Carry" overland by an excellent wagon trail for fifteen miles to Norris Landing. This wagon transport is operated by the navigation company, and the trip is made to avoid the Rapids. From Norris Landing to Grouard is a 75-mile run by another steamer, which makes connections.

IN THE WINTER SEASON (about November 15th to March 31st) – CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY from Port Arthur, Duluth, and Winnipeg to Athabasca Landing. From Athabasca Landing the trail follows along the ice of the Athabasca River to Lesser Slave Lake and then follows up the river and goes overland to Lesser Slave Lake. The ice on Lesser Slave Lake is then followed to Grouard. There are stopping places where hay and light supplies may be obtained along the trail.

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From Canadian Northern Railway brochure, 1912


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updated 23-02-01

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