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There are over 14,000 homesteads open for settlement in the Peace River district, the country being surveyed into townships, ranges, and sections, in sufficiently large areas to last the settlement for some time to come. New surveys are being made and added every summer.

Canadian Northern Railway Towns
The Opportunities They Afford

The Canadian West is not, as a great many suppose, entirely a land of agriculture. Truly it is the principal asset, but the production of so much grain requires large numbers of men to do the work, transact the necessary business and provide the farmers with the necessaries and luxuries of life. Much of the goods consumed could be manufactured at small cost right here at the door of the market, and many having availed themselves of the opportunity offered are becoming wealthy, in addition to producing as good an article at smaller cost to the local consumer.

The Spreading of Prosperity

The towns along the lines of the Canadian Northern Railway are rapidly developing into important commercial and industrial centres. The cause, however, of their greater development is owing to the fact that the farm lands tributary to these towns are of higher quality than in any other section of the country, and its cost has always been much below the prevailing market prices. The result is that the settlers have not had to pay out so much for their land, or have acquired a greater area than a like amount of money would purchase elsewhere, so obtaining larger returns on the amount invested. They, in turn, see the general business possibilities of the territory they live in, and invest their money accordingly, in the financial, commercial, and industrial concerns operating in the adjacent towns and cities. This procedure on the part of the settlers has naturally caused rapid development, and the business centres are always on the lookout for bright, progressive business men to look after their affairs, and who themselves have some capital to invest. The man, therefore, who has had good business training, will find no difficulty in making good in such surroundings. The natural outcome of this progressive policy on the part of the citizens of the Canadian West is that there is taking place a sharp advance in the price of town and city property, as well as farm lands, and now is the time to get in when everything is young, new, and the future the best.

We recommend the smaller points in which to invest or establish in business, as the cities of Western Canada were, but a short while ago, of even smaller population and than less promising futures than many town just now getting started.

Now is the opportune time to purchase inside and business property, before values so increase that they are beyond your reach, and again you will have let opportunity pass by.

For the future of the "TOWNS" with a good location will be but a replica of the "ONCE-TOWNS-NOW-CITIES" that have made fortunes for those with the foresight to buy when prices were low.

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From Canadian Northern Railway brochure, 1912


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updated 23-02-01

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