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 The CKUA Heritage Trails:

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  • Dominion Land Survey - The Dominion Land Survey began in the late 1860s, after Alberta bought Rupert's Land from the Hudson's Bay Company. 
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  • Dominion Land Survey, Part Two: Alberta - In 1880, surveyors began sectioning land for homesteading in Alberta. Listen to learn more about how the land was surveyed.
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  • Dominion Land Survey: Part Three - How did the first surveyors get their jobs? Who were they, and what could they expect for their efforts? Listen, and learn..
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  • Dominion Land Surveys: Part Four - What jobs did the surveying crew do? Listen to learn about the engineer, the chainmen, teamsters, and other members of the surveying team.
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  • US Canada Boundary Survey: Part One - The effort to draw a boundary between Canada and the United States dates back to the early 1800s. But not until 1874 was the land ready to be surveyed.
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  • US Canada Border Survey: Part Two - How did Canada wrest the northwest from the US? Learn of the tactics used by both the Americans and the British to establish the 49th parallel. 
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  • Homesteading, Part One: Political Context - Before people could settle in newly-bought Rupert's Land, the Canadian government put policies in place that would secure it for various purposes, including homesteading.
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  • Homesteading, Part Two: Advertising For Settlers - How did the government of Canada attract settlers to Alberta? Listen to learn more.
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  • Homesteading, Part Three: Getting Here - Alberta's first settlers had to endure many hardships before they even arrived in the province. Learn how immigrants dealt with the arduous journey into Alberta. 
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  • Homesteading: Part Four - Who was allowed to come to Alberta? What were the provisions of settlement, and what could settlers bring with them? Listen to find out.
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  • Homesteading: Getting Started on the Land - What were the immediate prospects for the new settlers? You'll discover this was no time to relax!
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updated 14-02-01

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