Sponsors - Point Ellice Collection of Household Victoriana

The information you find on these pages have been compiled through the enthusiastic participation and support of several organizations. From here you can get to their home pages:

Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada

This is where all the money came from for this project. They are also sponsoring other Digital Collections projects all across Canada. They also provided technical support through Ingenia Communications Corp.

Heritage Branch -and- Information Systems Branch

Ministry of Small Business, Tourism, and Culture
Province of British Columbia.

BC Heritage Branch owns and operates Carr House, and was responsible for hiring and providing equipment for the Schoolnet Digital Collections team that built the site. Information Systems Branch provided dilligent computer support fixing bugs, helping set up the database, and showing the team how to do things the right way. Thanks a bunch to all of them!

BC Provincial Archives

Digitized a large amount of photographs in their collection so we wouldn't have to. They also provided training on their own scanning system to the Emily Carr Digitization Team so we could do some scanning for them in return. As a result, everyone benefitted.

British Columbia Museums Association

Provided training on MS Access. Provided assistance on hardware / software setup.

The DataBase team would like to express their extreme gratitude to Mark Chu of Salus Systems, Victoria, B.C., without whose help things may never have gotten very far.

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------Point Ellice Collection of Household Victoriana------
Sponsored by: Industry Canada [Digital 
Last Updated: 26 August, 1996
Produced by:Digital Collections Team
Content Provided by: B.C. Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia