Oh, I'd love to have a room like this to entertain in. This is Mrs. Caroline O'Reilly's bedroom. Right now she's over visiting with Dr. Helmcken. Oh, she's not sick, just visiting. To me each room in Point Ellice House is an expression of an O'Reilly family member.

Isn't this wallpaper beautiful? It was the height of fashion back in 1878 when it was hung. The gold design sparkles in the firelight of the night. You know, as a child I dreamed of having a room like this. Today, making this bed my dream's come true.

I always lay out Mrs. Caroline's clothes and place her night cap on the bedpost there. Oh yes, on the wall, to the left of the window is a small picture of young Kathleen in her beautiful presentation gown. She was presented to royalty. Lord and Countess Cadogan in Dublin, Ireland no less.

And to the right, look at the dressing set on the mirrored vanity by the window. Here, Caroline loves to sit, look out at her favourite Hawthorn tree, and write letters. Hmmm, seems I recall now that Mrs. Caroline sat here in the light of that window, to pen a letter to her husband about Kathleen and Mr. Stanhope.

Caroline's Letter:

Dearest Peter:
I am sure you will be greatly suprised at the contents of the letter I am sending you from Mr. Stanhope. You will remember that I told you I dreaded the return of the Flagship lest he should make our dear Kitty in any way remarkable. But I did not for one instant imagine he was really in love with her. He came, she went out with him and they stayed some time. They went down the lot trail and there he asked her to marry him. They come back, and I saw at once something had occurred. After he had gone, she told me, but she said she had not accepted him. Yet she asked him to come the next day to tennis...

Houseboy: Look up. Above the fireplace, here on this side. That small door is a warming cupboard for clean linen and night clothes. Inside they are ready and warm. Other rooms have these too. In Canada, warmth is the most important comfort.

Behind us, second door on the left, is Mr. O'Reilly's bedroom. Walk over.

View room artifacts.

To the Main Entrance To Peter's Room

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Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last Updated: 25 September 1996
Produced by:Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content Provided by: B.C. Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia