His room is smaller than either of the women's. Important government men like Mr. O'Reilly - he's a gold comissioner no less - well he just needs a bedroom for sleeping in. Not entertaining his friends.

Houseboy: I suppose, according to the maid, this room is like Mr. O'Reilly. But it's best you mind the O'Reillys first and tend the room second.

Maid: Right now, the Mister is over on the uncivilized mainland, a place called Caribou. But when he returns, you can be sure he'll ring for his steaming hot footbath. While he's soaking, you take his boots to be polished and his clothes to be cleaned.

Houseboy: That's the foot bath on the floor.

Maid: Hush now and I'll continue my story. Young Kitty, I mean Miss Kathleen O'Reilly, had to write to her father to tell him about Mr. Stanhope. Oh, yes, Kathleen's bedroom is directly behind us, let's walk over and look in.

View room artifacts.

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Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last Updated: 26 August, 1996
Produced by:Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content Provided by: B.C. Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia