The drawing room is the most magnificent room in the house. Walk inside. Mind to keep the curtains drawn, though.

Houseboy: Oh yes, this room. Look at all the clutter.

Maid: I guess the more they have to show, the higher the O'Reilly's status in Victoria.

Houseboy: Yes. And cleaning it is a problem!

Maid: Oh, yes, but it's beautiful! That golden harp just ahead belongs to young Kathleen. Against the wall is a broadwood piano. Seems that the O'Reilly's bought it for 94 pounds in London, England back in 1883.

Oh, the O'Reilly's keep everything. There's miles of paper stored in the house, even receipts for the furniture are stored up in the attic near where I sleep. Once, I took a quick peek...

Most of the paintings were done by Kathleen. On the wall, to our right, is a painting she did of the house, with white and blue striped summer awnings. The bear rug on the floor, he was shot by Mr O'Reilly himself.

Houseboy: Every time I take it outside to clean, I worry he may not yet be all dead!

Maid: One day he'll bite you, mistakin' your beatin' the dust out of him for a harsh walloping. From floor to ceiling and wall to window, this room soothes my bones. Over by the bay window, those tapestry curtains are all the way from London as well. We have to keep them drawn so the sun doesn't fade anything. The fireplace over there is marble with Minton decorations. You know, all the furniture in here is on little wheels. It's true, it makes it easy to move around for evening entertaining. Oh its wonderful to be a part of. We servants busy ourselves by getting everything ready. The houseboy builds up a roaring fire, then slides the table and chairs out of the way, clearing more space. Caroline, Mrs O'Reilly that is, seats herself at the piano gracing us, well, I mean her invited guests with a personal recital. Many's the evening I've lingered down the hall, listening to her playing. Oh she has the most wonderful singing voice, too. And often, Kathleen will join in with her harp. Sometimes I just stand there, thinking of this room, while my ears fill with their music and merriment. And I join them by humming along, oh, but never too loud, of course.

It's always most rambunctious around here when the Navy officers are visiting. There's no telling what mischief they may get into. Oh, I remember once, when...Oh, my dear, the time! Yes, I'll have to catch you up later, I've got to beat the curtains clean of filth before Mrs. O'Reilly returns.

Houseboy: Right behind us is Mr. O'Reilly's study. Walk over and look in.

View room artifacts.

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Last Updated: 4 September 1996
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Content Provided by: B.C. Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia