On the floor is the dinner gong, a sound that is truly civilised.

Maid: To the right is a croquet set. Not being rich, I have no understanding of the game, but it involves hitting little coloured balls through arches, and it's played all summer on the back lawn.

Houseboy: You will have to learn to set it up.
Next, in this alcove is the small hall stove. Look at it a moment.

Maid: On its top is a little ceramic water dish. Keep it filled, otherwise the air becomes too dry.

Houseboy: On the floor is a coal basket; your jobs include breaking up coal into fine pieces for this stove and maintaining a good fire. Hallways get cold too.

Down the hall to your right is the drawing room.

To Kathleen's Room To the Drawing Room

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Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last Updated: 26 August, 1996
Produced by:Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content Provided by: B.C. Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia