HOUSEBOY: You know, its been several years since I left my wife and children to come to British Columbia. By now, I've sent enough money back home to buy a bit of land in my village, near Canton. In two weeks, the Canadian Pacific Empress of India steams me back to China. But I must confess. I will miss the Point Ellice gardens most.

IRISH GARDENER: Stand at the fork in the path.

Just to the left is the holly hock bed. Such big tall flowers - they're a sight to behold in the summer.

This whole wood area is known as the woodland glade. It's a wonderful shady walk on a summer afternoon. It's the perfect seclusion for a young gentlemen and a lady to hold hands on a summer evening

HOUSE BOY: Now we return to the carriage house. Continue right, up the path.

IRISH GARDENER: Oh - oh - wait a moment. Stop here near the big tree trunk on the left. This grand tree is a sequoia. Mr. O'Reilly tells me he planted it himself back in 1877. It gives the area a real permanence. A hundred years from now, people will still relax under its shade.

HOUSE BOY: I think these gardens and point Ellice house will out live all of us.

MAID: Oh, whew! I'm glad I caught up to you! House Boy, Mr. O'Reilly needs you inside.

HOUSE BOY: Oh! I must leave now!

MAID Tsk - I don't think he'll ever learn to tell when I'm joking! There's not a soul around!

HOUSE BOY Enough mischief! Well, you have completed your tour of Point Ellice House, and know most of your duties as the new house boy. It is a very big responsibility though, there is much more you will need to learn and explore about life with the O'Reillys. There is more about the beautiful gardens if you wish to continue to the next page. Or you may want to look at look at more photographs of the O'Reilly house and grounds from the British Columbia Archives. Or press one of the buttons at the bottom of the page to find out more about this interesting family.

Along Path More Gardens

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Produced under contract to Industry Canada
Last updated: 26 August 1996
Produced by: Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Properties, Province of British Columbia