Houseboy: Walk along the porch and stop up at the first corner. Mrs. O'Reilly loves her flowers. And the gardener is proud too; he says it's one of the finest collections of roses in Victoria.

Look at the lawn between the house and the water. It's known by everyone around here as the croquet lawn. All summer the O'Reillys and their guests play it and another equally silly ruckus called lawn tennis.

The wooded area just ahead with the arbutus trees, is permanently reserved for fancy teas. And on the far right side of the property is the woodland glade.

Continue along to the left and stop when you reach the stairs down to the lawn. This is the south garden, a working garden not just for looking: Here we grow the vegetables and herbs for the kitchen.

Back to the Hall On to Garden

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Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last Updated: 26 August, 1996
Produced by:Canada's Digital Collections Team
Content Provided by: B.C. Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia