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Acadian accommodations
Annapolis Basin accommodations
Annapolis Valley accommodations
Digby and Area accommodations
Digby Neck and Islands accommodations
Our Region

Bear River

By The Brook B & B

Anita & Edwin Chisholm
1894 Clementsvale Rd Box 179
Bear River, NS  B0S 1B0
Season: May 1 to October 31
Rates: Guaranteed Single $45, Double/Double/Queen-sized $50, Three or more individuals, each is $8
Phone/fax: (902) 467-3601
Email: edwin.chisholm@ns.sympatico.ca

House on the Hill

C. Gene Samson
RR1 Riverview Road
Bear River, NS  B0S 1B0
Season: June to September
Rates: Guaranteed Single $32, Double $42
Phone: (902) 467-3933

Inn Bear River Annex

Doug Dockrill & Zoë Onysko
15 Upper River Road Box 142
Bear River, NS  B0S 1B0
Season: January to November
Rates: Guaranteed Single $30, Double $30-34, Three or more individuals, each is $8
Phone: (902) 467-3809
Email: innbear@tartannet.ns.ca

Inn Bear River B & B

Doug Dockrill & Zoë Onysko
Box 142
Bear River, NS  B0S 1B0
Season: Open year-round
Rates: TD $55-75, weekly $350-$425 VS, MC
Phone: (902) 467-3809
Email: innbear@tartannet.ns.ca

Lovett Lodge Inn B & B

Adrian Potter
Main St Box 119
Bear River, NS  B0S 1B0
Season: May 20 to October 31
Rates: Guaranteed (no GST) Single $35, Double $43, Double $46, Three or more individuals, each is $8, private bath $6 extra
Phone: (902) 467-3917

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