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Acadian accommodations
Annapolis Basin accommodations
Annapolis Valley accommodations
Digby and Area accommodations
Digby Neck and Islands accommodations
Our Region

South Milford

Sandy Bottom Lake Youth Hostel

47 Hostel Road RR4 Virginia Road
Annapolis Royal, NS  B0S 1A0
Season: May to October
Rates: $12 members, $14 non-members
Phone: (902) 532-2497

Milford House

Maggie Nickerson
Route 8 South Milford Box 521
Annapolis Royal, NS  B0S 1A0
Season: June 21 to September 15
Rates: Subject to Change Single $84-97, Double $144-157, Three or more individuals, each is $60
Phone: (902) 532-2617
Phone (Off-Season): 532-7360

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