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Acadian Campgrounds
Annapolis Basin Campgrounds
Annapolis Valley Campgrounds
Digby and Area Campgrounds
Digby Neck and Islands Campgrounds
Our Region

Maitland Bridge

Kejimkujik National Park

William Wambolt
Hwy 8 P.O. Box 236 Maitland Bridge
Annapolis County, NS  B0T 1N0
Phone: (902) 682-2770
Fax: (902) 682-3367

Whitman Inn

Maitland Bridge Annapolis County NS  B0T 1N0
Phone: (902) 682-2226

Jeremy's Bay Campground

Harry Delong
Kejimkujik National Park
Rte 8 Kejimkujik Scenic Drive
Maitland Bridge
Annapolis County, NS  B0T 1B0
Season: Open year-round
Rates: $10.50+
Phone: (902) 682-2772

Merry Makedge Beach

Kejimkujik National Park
Maitland Bridge
Annapolis County, NS  B0T 1B0
Season: May to October
Rates: Vehicle Fee Charged

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