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Buckles were a common accessory in the 18 th century. Some types of buckles found among the ruins of the Machault include: shoe, knee, and garter buckles. Most buckles were made of brass or pewter.

pic of buckles
Clockwise from top left: knee buckle, garter buckle, shoe buckle


picture of shoes Almost 500 unworn, virtually identical men's shoes were part of the Machault's cargo. They may have been intended for military use, but similar shoes were the everyday footwear worn by the majority of the civilian population. Because these shoes were straight, they could be worn on either foot, and the owner often switched his left and right shoes to make the pair last longer.

Sewing and Mending

pic of needle

As a reminder of how clothes had to last a long time, pins and thimbles were found at the Restigouche excavation site. Pin making was a well-developed factory operation back in Europe in the 18th century.


wool socks

Of the knitted items found at the Machault excavation site, only four could be identified. Woolen clothing would have been the best choice for living at sea, due to its warmth and water resistance. All the knitting was crudely done, quite possibly by the sailors themselves. Two woolen socks (not a pair) were found at the site that were made to reach up to a person's knees.

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