
It's hard to imagine that working with strangers can be fun and rewarding but it is. It's even more fun and rewarding when working with people who are simply strange. These folks deserve a whole lot of recognition for the countless hours going above and beyond the call of duty just to get the job done. Software problems, information gaps, and mental breakdowns were all conquered in a timely fashion by these Chinese food eating workaholics.

Laurette Lapalme
Laurette Lapalme

She's a psycho. Laurette was the Project Manager, only one of her three jobs at the time (two were full time). She's whittled those down to just one these days. Laurette has lived the majority of her life in Hazelton which is only fitting since her family has lived here for some three thousand years. Laurette cracks jokes all the time, and can never really rein in her massive hair. She owns dogs, not horses, and has one cat that weighs more than both her dogs together.

Jeff D. Jones
Jeff D. Jones

Just to be different I'm writing this in first person. I have been using computers since the age of eight. Having used these electronic gizmo's for so long, I am proud to be given a chance to put all that experience to work on a great project like this. By the time you read this, I may very well have left the Hazeltons to pursue a life of electronic mayhem in the big city of Vancouver.

Ruth Cooper (Smile Ruth)
Ruth Cooper
Ruth is endlessly pleasant. She has a wealth of information and contacts at her immediate disposal and solved many pressing problems by pressing the phone keypad instead. She works at the Hazelton District Public Library, has even more jobs than Laurette, plus a husband! Ruth is always ready to listen and give advice, and only runs when you point a camera at her. Smile Ruth.
Joy Allen
Joy Allen
Joy Allen lives in the Kispiox Valley where she raises children and horses with her husband Gene. She had been an invaluable source of information and suggestions. Joy and the Kispiox Valley Rodeo club spend months planning and preparing for the rodeo, and their contributions are gratefully acknowledged.



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