Dene Naowere Ko
Canoe Trip
Winter in Deline is cold and often clear, beginning in October and lasting to May. Temperatures dip to -50°C from December to February. Yet April begins a time of very pleasant weather, and in summer the temperatures can be a warm 25 to 30°C. In May and June, we fortify ourselves against black flies and mosquitoes. Deline has long been appreciated by fishing enthusiasts with a taste for the true experience of the Canadian north. Great Bear Lake is host to world record Lake Trout, including a "monster" caught in the summer of 2001 that tipped the scales at 74 pounds.
When Elders Speak
Going out on the Land
Deline Stories
Youth Space
Speaking Slavey
Let me show you Deline
Food from the Land Animal Tracks  

Bodo and the Giant Fish
Told by Peter Baton, Deline Elder

My Grandmother told me this story of Bodo and the Giant Fish, She say’s once the fish in Mackintosh Bay go bad they disappear. That is what happened one time, so we had a hard time.

Bodo went to check his hook’s by knife point. He only caught a very skinny fish. He then thought to himself that other people might be using medicine to keep the animals away, so catching this little fish made him angry because there are people and dogs to feed and they are not catching any animals. So he put his hook back in the water and caught a fish but the hole was too small so he had to use his knife to make the hole bigger. He then got the fish out. It was so big that he had to cut it up and bring some home. My Grandmother said Bodo told them to get two dogs and go to the hooks and pick up the rest of the fish. My granny says that the trout was so big that it had horns about the size of a thumb and the guts were out in a separate pile for the dogs. It was just fat.

That is what my granny has told me about Bodo and the Giant Fish.

This digital collection was produced with the financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.