Dene Naowere Ko
Old community picture
These and others through out this website are just a few of the stories by the people of Deline. Each is a thread in the tapestry of stories that weave through the community. Up until now these stories have not needed books or newspapers to keep them alive. Some have even argued that it is risky to pass on stories in writing, since they then become accessible to people who don’t know the land. Despite the risk many elders of today have decided to keep their stories preserved in written form. We are grateful to them and their children for their willingness to share these stories.
When Elders Speak
Going out on the Land
Deline Stories
Youth Space
Speaking Slavey
Let me show you Deline
Traditional Stories Sacred Sites Port Radium Settlement

Deline is special in many ways. The community was home to one of the most revered prophets of the Sahtu region. Ehtseo Ayha (Grandfather) Joseph Ayha lived from 1858-1940 and predicted many things that have since come true. His picture adorns many walls in Deline.

My story of the Prophet Ayah
by Tahti Bayha, Grade 11

Prophet AyahProphet Ayah: I’m in his school where it is named after him. He predicted a lot of things such as the war, which did happen. One thing that concerns me is the prediction of the world coming to an end and people from all over the world coming here - for this is a holy land, which will be protected. Did he predict right? If so, what will happen to us as Dene people?

Youth today know little about making drums, snowshoes, and all the other things that our ancestors learned throughout this beautiful land. I hope to learn all that my ancestors learned in this region and gain knowledge of my people.

The Prophet said that this lake here that we live by will be the only fresh water in the world. The other lakes of the world will dry up. This means war among people around us for water. This will be a good thing or bad, and could cause total chaos.

Prophet's HouseRight now the United States are asking Canada to sell the water to them, but luckily we are protected by an Act (Law). I wonder if this is true or not, because the results could be bad and people here look up to the prophet. Recently I heard another prediction from prophet Ayah. He said soon people wouldn’t do anything outside anymore. By this he meant computers and Internet, where you can shop for anything and don’t even have to go outside anymore. This prediction I believe. It is getting to us, making us and our culture more vulnerable to others.

Only one thing can tell me the truth, and that is time.

This digital collection was produced with the financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.