Dene Naowere Ko
Guitar Players
The drawings, poetry, and stories by the youth of Deline show a remarkable depth of experience and knowledge about our community, the land and the wildlife in and around Great Bear Lake. This is linked to a strong sense of self-confidence on the land, and a bond with the family members with whom the experience of hunting, cooking and eating off the land has been shared.
When Elders Speak
Going out on the Land
Deline Stories
Youth Space
Speaking Slavey
Let me show you Deline
Stories of the Land Artwork  

Yamoria and the Evil Eagle Family

Story retold by Hilary Andre
Ehtseo Ayha School - Deline

A long time ago there was an evil eagle family. There was one male and one female baby.

Yamoria was climbing the mountain. When he climbs up the mountain, Yamoria said, “I am going to chnage your life. I will kill your Mom and Dad.”

“First you have to tell your dad that if he smells human body, you just brought in a piece of human. If you tell I will kill.’

The female eagle said, “I am going to tell that you are going to kill them.” Yamoria knocked out the female eagle. Then it died.

Yamoria said, “I am going to hide behind this bush so when your dad comes you can tell him that your sister went to the lake because she didn’t feel so good.”

So when Dad eagle asked where is your sister the male eagle said she is feeling good so she went to the lake.

Dad eagle said, “I smell human body.”

“It is just the human body you brought in.”

Then Yamoria knocked out the Dad eagle and killed him. The little eagle asked, “what am I going to say to my Mom?” Yamoria said, “Say the samething you said to your dad. I am going to hide in the same spot.”

When Mom eagle came home she asked, “where is your sister?”

“She is down by the lake becaause she doesn’t feel good.”

“Where is your Dad?”

“He didn’t come back yet.”

Yamoria knocked out the Mom eagle and she died. Yamoria said, I am going to change your life so that you don’t have to eat people anymore.

Yamoria and the boy went to the lake. Yamoria said, “put your claw in the water. Then after that if you feel a fish in your claw grab it.”

Then the male eagle caught one. So Yamoria said, “this is the way you are going to eat in your life. You are not going to eat people anymore. I will bring a girl eagle so you won’t have to be lonely again.”

This digital collection was produced with the financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.