Dene Naowere Ko
Guitar Players
The drawings, poetry, and stories by the youth of Deline show a remarkable depth of experience and knowledge about our community, the land and the wildlife in and around Great Bear Lake. This is linked to a strong sense of self-confidence on the land, and a bond with the family members with whom the experience of hunting, cooking and eating off the land has been shared.
When Elders Speak
Going out on the Land
Deline Stories
Youth Space
Speaking Slavey
Let me show you Deline
Stories of the Land Artwork  

Caribou Meat
By Valerie Mackeinzo, Grade 5, Deline

One day when it was winter, my cousins, grandma and grandpa, and I went to the bush with a truck. My grandpa used my cousin’s skidoo. When we got there, we started unpacking and cleaning up, and doing dishes.

When we were finished, I went with my cousins went for a skidoo ride while my grandpa was getting some caribou. He got some rabbits too. Then some trucks were coming by on the winter road.

Then my grandpa shot a big caribou and a small one. Then my grandma cooked some caribou for us. My grandma and grandpa taught us to cut some caribou, and we started cutting a lot of big caribou.

We stayed there for one week. When we got back to Deline, I told my mom that I was cutting caribou, and my mom was very proud of me. I told my friends and aunties and uncles, and they were happy too. Then they took a picture of me.

Fresh Caribou and Tea
By Vanessa Neyelle, Grade 5

The last time I went hunting with my grandpa Charlie Neyelle was around November 14. We were riding around looking for caribou for about an hour. Then we saw a caribou and my grandpa shot it. We tied the antlers to the skidoo. Then my grandpa cut the caribou up. We took the ribs and put it on a stick. My grandpa made a fire, and we boiled tea and cooked ribs and drank tea.

After we packed up, I turned on the skidoo. Then we put all the caribou in the sled. We were gone for five hours. My grandpa and I brought Gina some bush tea, and she loved it.

Caribou Hunt
By Kristie Ann Modeste, Grade 4, Deline

One day there was a boy named Bobby. He was going hunting, and saw a caribou. He took his gun, and he shot it. He was cooking it, and he kept some for the next day. Then a caribou came to his cabin, and that caribou went inside his house. It was the caribou’s son. Bobby must have shot the mom caribou.

This digital collection was produced with the financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.