Dene Naowere Ko
Guitar Players
The drawings, poetry, and stories by the youth of Deline show a remarkable depth of experience and knowledge about our community, the land and the wildlife in and around Great Bear Lake. This is linked to a strong sense of self-confidence on the land, and a bond with the family members with whom the experience of hunting, cooking and eating off the land has been shared.
When Elders Speak
Going out on the Land
Deline Stories
Youth Space
Speaking Slavey
Let me show you Deline
Stories of the Land Artwork  

Caribou Point
by Rebecca Sewi, Grade 4, Deline

When it was summer, my cousins, my aunties, and my grandpa were riding in my grandpa’s boat. They were going and going until it was six o’clock. My little cousins were there and they were missing me, because I was in Yellowknife.

We went back home, and left for the bush. We went across the lake. When we got there, my dad and Jarvis set up a tent. It was dark. Ted, Nihtla, Brett, Chelsey, Doris, and I jumped into bed to get warm.

When it was morning, I woke up. I saw Nihtla, Ted, Doris, Brett, and Chelsey were still sleeping. When they woke up, I was eating.

We got stuck at that camp for two weeks because the big boat broke down. A plane came and got us. We got back to Deline at twelve o’clock, but I couldn’t go to school until the next day.

That was my best camping trip.

This digital collection was produced with the financial assistance from Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada.