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Home Page   Introduction 7000 BC - 1790 AD 1790 AD - 1920 AD  Credits/Contact Us

Title Page

Image courtesy of ReelWorks Media


Images 1-2 from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC
Image 3 courtesy of Susan Marsden
Image 4 courtesy of the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Artifacts from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC


Images 1, 6 and 7 courtesy of Gladys Blyth
Images 2 and 5 courtesy of Susan Marsden
Image 3 courtesy of ReelWorks Media
Image 4 courtesy of James Bird
Map courtesy of Susan Marsden

Salmon Traps

Images and content courtesy of Barbara and Gerald Radke
Txamsem and the Salmon Story passed down to Sampson Bryant
Txamsem and the Salmon Story told by Sampson Bryant

Salmon Weirs and Nets

Images 1-2 courtesy of the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Images 3-10 from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC
Content: Mr. Morrison. (Ganhada Clan, Kispiox, recorded in 1920) "Raven Crest from Temlarh'am" in M. Barbeau and W. Beynon. "Temlarh'am: The Land of Plenty on the North Pacific Coast." Ottawa, Ontario: Folklore Division, CMC, 1950.
How the Tsimshian Learned to Make Fishing Nets passed down to Sampson Bryant
How the Tsimshian Learned how to Make Fishing Nets told by
Sampson Bryant
Artifacts from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC

Salmon Fishing Sites

Images from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC
Map courtesy of Susan Marsden
Content: Personal Communication, Susan Marsden
Susan Marsden. "Adawx, Spanaxnox, and the Geopolitics of the Tsimshian." BC Studies. Number 135, Autumn, 2002.
Hilary Stewart. Indian Fishing: Early Methods on the Northwest Coast. Vancouver, BC: JJ Douglas, 1977.
Artifacts from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC

Preserving Salmon

Kathleen Marsden, Sgawoo, Gisk'aast clan, Gitksigyukla and Barry Marsden, Miingemgan, Gisk'aast clan, Gitksigyukla, demonstrated the preparation of salmon for smoking in 1974.
Images and content courtesy of Susan Marsden

Storing Salmon

Image 1 courtesy of Susan Marsden
Images 2-5 from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC
Content: Gathering What the Great Nature Provided. Vancouver, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 1980.

Laws of Respect

Image courtesy of ReelWorks Media
Content: Cultural practice belonging to Tsimshian and other Northwest Coast Nations. Also Hilary Stewart. The Salmon, The Legacy. Environment Canada Fisheries and Marine Service, 1974.
Prince who was taken by the Salmon People passed down to
Sampson Bryant
Prince who was taken by the Salmon People told by Sampson Bryant
The Salmon are Coming developed and performed by Sampson Bryant. Copyright Sampson Bryant, all rights reserved

Salmon Fishing for Canneries

Images from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC
Content: Douglas Harris. Fish, Law, and Colonialism. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press, 2001.

Salmon Canneries

Images from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC
North Coast Canneries map from Gladys Blyth. Salmon Canneries. Lantzville, BC: Oolichan Books, 1991.
Artifacts from the collection of the Museum of Northern BC

Fisheries Laws

Images courtesy of Sheila Ryan
Content: Douglas Harris. Fish, Law, and Colonialism. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press, 2001.

Development Team

Project Manager: Susan Marsden
Team Coordinator: Erin Alger
Team Member: Marric Fillion
Team Member: Angel Sampson
Technical Support: ReelWorks Media, Channel 88 Media Group

Museum of Northern BC
100-1st Avenue West
Prince Rupert, BC
V8J 1A8
tel. 250-624-3207 ext. 29
fax 250-627-8009

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